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CMF简介 CMF起源 CMF历程 组成体系 社会公益
Zhuang Jie
时间:2019-10-07    浏览:65535

Entered the insurance industry in 1996

Served as manager of the service department of the central branch, general manager of the headquarters, manager of the marketing department of the provincial branch, manager of the training department of the provincial branch, head of the central branch, head of the second department of the bank and insurance, and head of the sales planning office of the head office’s individual insurance division from field sales to agency operation and management

Served more than 3,000 individual life insurance clients and the agency team salespeople he is in charge have built a professional reputation for a high performance culture in their local markets

地址> 北京东城东花市南里尼奥大厦
邮箱> cmfcmf888@163.com
电话> 400-888-1141   传真> 010-62110941
CMF保险精英圆桌大会   京ICP备18001571号-2
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